What I've Learned: Tracking Macros

If the topics of macronutrients, nutrition coaching, and/or CrossFit make you want to poke your eyeballs out... go read some other random' person's daily post ;) 

Nutrition Coach #1: The Vegan Doubter
I first hired a nutrition coach in 2016 via my CrossFit gym at the time.  I should've heeded the red flag when he said that though gaining muscle on a vegan diet is "probably do-able, it's just harder." But I was desperate. I just returned from five weeks of overseas humanitarian work and was feeling gross from not eating well and lack of exercise. I also wanted to prove him wrong about the vegan thing.

The macros my coach calculated were too ambitious for a newbie. I like to eat (preferably about every three hours like a baby) but the calorie intake was a big jump. I also had a set of macros for workout days and a set for off days, which was intimidating for someone just beginning to learn how to calculate and track to begin with.

I ended up using one set of macros as my goal for all days. I wasn't consistent in hitting my target macros but I was consistent with logging everything I ate. I didn't see much of a difference how my body looked but the experience made me realize that tracking macros was doable for me and I mostly enjoyed the process.

Nutrition Coach #2: The Vegan Badass Queen
I did some reading and research on my own to learn the science behind macro requirements and tips from plant-based athletes (two articles that were an immense help: macro calculatorbuilding muscle) Last fall I hired my second nutrition coach. She is vegan, sassy, and honest - and made the experience so much better than my first.

The macros she calculated were attainable and thus didn't feel intimidating or impossible. We started off with a moderate deficit, about 200 calories under my maintenance and used the same macros for every day, regardless of rest or workout days.

I was much more consistent in hitting my macros and the process actually started feeling fun. I noticed more definition in my stomach, an increase in energy, and overall just felt damn good about the food choices I was making. 

Boom. That's the power of having a vegan badass queen on your side. 

Nutrition Coach #3: Moi.
I started tracking macros again about 5 weeks ago. After a few failed attempts earlier this spring, I had to relearn that perfection is not the goal. Hitting  macros down to the gram every single day is important for competitive body builders. I don't want to be a body builder - I'm just over here trying to lift heavier shit and eventually be that strong, elderly boss lady who doesn't need anyone to carry her groceries across the street for her.

So, I got over the perfection and learned that awareness and consistency are the magic components. Tracking doesn't feel restrictive because it's simply a tool helps me choose foods based 0n my goals. There are days when I'm over or under. I don't get down on myself because of it. I instead use it as data - what could I have eaten instead/in addition to make it work next time? It's like getting to run your very own mini experiment every day!

I've noticed I'm more in the ballpark of hitting my macros on most days because the process has become more intuitive.  I've noticed changes in my body composition (I knew there were some baby abs in there somewhere!) and strength. 


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