About Me

Hey! I'm Jess. I've been a pediatric critical care nurse for nine (!) years. I left my stationary, "normal" job in January 2015 in pursuit of travel nursing and the freedom to live life on my own terms. I started this blog as a way to document that journey. It's been an ever-evolving, illuminating, and sometimes bumpy ride... but I wouldn't have it any other way.

18 moves, 11 hospitals, 8 cities, and 5 states later, both my bedside nursing and travel nursing careers officially ended in September 2018.  I start a stationary job as a pediatric critical care transport nurse in Northern California in November 2018. This nomad is ready for some roots (somewhat shocking) and a change in my career trajectory (not so shocking)!

I survived (am surviving?) heartbreak in 2017, hit country #21 in 2018, and plan to be financially independent in, ideally, 12 years. 

I don't envision myself retiring permanently at that time, or probably ever, because I love what I do when it's in the right environment. I'm pursuing financial independence because 1) I like having options and the freedom that affords me, 2) I will not rely on a job for my financial future because nothing is truly permanent or secure, even the most "stable" or in demand-professions, and 3) I love a challenge. 

Some Q's & A's:

What does being a badass mean to me?
Living my life based on what I value most:
-meaningful work
-physical & mental health
-financial freedom

What is travel nursing?
A pretty dope set up for nurses who like learning in new environments and like having way more control of their time off. 

I worked in a hospital on the pediatric intensive care unit on a contract basis, usually for three months at a time, in a location and hospital I chose. 

Don't you miss your friends and family when you're far away? 
Duh. Of course I do. I also miss them when we’re in the same area and because of work/life/conflicting schedules, I only see them once a month, and sometimes even less frequently than that. 

I'm kind of tired of answering the following questions (excuse me while my eyes roll all the way to the back of my head):
-why don't you want kids? 
-do you want to get married?
-how much is your rent in Manhattan?!
-you don't eat meat? How do you get enough protein?
-but when are you going to settle down

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