No, part one
Things I've said no to and what I've gained in return:
1. Facebook. I deactivated my Faecbook account a few years ago and haven't looked back since. I found myself comparing myself and my life to everyone else's... and I felt behind. So I quit Facebook and immediately felt less pressure to "catch up."
I did start an Instagram account about a year ago, and because I've learned to embrace my nonconformist mindset over the last year, I don't play the comparison game anymore. I've found some inspiring people to follow, which have led to new trip ideas, books to read, and viewpoints to ponder.
2. Eating meat (except for my mama's bacon on occasion!). I grew up in a meat and potatoes household. After a mostly beans and fresh fruit and veggie diet on a trip to Costa Rica four years ago, I realized how great I felt, and how much I didn't miss eating meat. Once I gave up meat I, by default, had to expand my palette in order to find new protein sources. I now eat a far bigger variety of food than I did when I was eating meat. My cholesterol and triglyceride levels are excellent. And I don't have to store/freeze/thaw or handle raw meat. Score.
3. Winter. Skipping out on winter almost entirely this year has been awesome. I've spent more time outside and active more rather than staying holed up inside to avoid the cold. A bonus I hadn't anticipated was looking forward to planning a ski trip. I now more fully appreciate the beauty of snow in short spurts instead of dreading the annoyances of it in my daily life.
4. Car payments . I purchased Lily, a 2011 Subaru Legacy, in January of this year. My must-haves were low mileage and all-wheel drive. While it would've been nice to have a back-up camera, Bluetooth, and leather seats, I would've had to sacrifice a must-have in order stay within my budget. I got the all-wheel drive and low mileage (less than 17,000 when I bought her!)... and NO car payments! Debt free is the way to be!
"Only once you give yourself permission to stop trying to do it all, to stop saying yes to everyone, can you make your highest contribution towards the things that really matter." -Greg Mckeown, Essetialism: The Disciplined Prusuit of Less.
Stay tuned for part two :)
Jess! I've been loving your blog. Your such an inspiration for freedom from the routine. So happy Lauren told me about your it. P.S. I felt the same about facebook, glad to find out I wasn't alone. Excited for part 2!